Aesthetics and Translucency in Full Contour Zirconia Anterior Bridges
This sample bridge was made to show the aesthetic capabilities of full contour zirconia (FCZ) restorations. Anterior cases demand not only function and strength, but translucency. Zirconia’s durability and aesthetics make it an ideal material for this kind of case. The sample case also tests our shading and staining capabilities with this material – you can see the results on the accompanying picture.
What Makes a Successful Anterior Bridge FCZ Case?
- Proper Path of Insertion. All bridges need proper path of insertion, and zirconia bridges are no exception. Zirconia is less forgiving than metal in this regard because of the limitations of the mill.
- No Undercuts. Though all cases should have proper preparations with no undercuts, this is especially true of zirconia cases. Even with the 5-axis milling system, the mill has a limited tolerance for undercuts.
- Proper Clearance. Without enough clearance, a full zirconia restoration cannot have the strength or detail for which the material is known. This is especially a problem for bruxer patients, who absolutely need the recommended thickness to prevent fractures It’s best to catch clearance issues right away and contact the client – the solution may be to reduce the opposing or preparation, or to choose a different material.
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